Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)

You have to admit that a road sign is one of the best advertisement tools available to any business. Most road trips or even daily commutes can become so monotonous that the subtle or even flagrant roadside messages mean a lot to those who read. Even if they just glance at it for a split second, a good message or a good deal will always stick in your head. One thing that will definitely stick in your head is a good joke on a sign. The easiest jokes are usually the best jokes and that will work for puns too. Colorado native Vince Rozmiarek seems to think so too and just happens to have the perfect platform to get his witty jokes and puns out to the masses. They're so good in fact, they have already created a huge fan base and people can't get enough. Take a look below at my top 35 'Dad jokes' and puns from Vince.

1. "It all began 5 years ago, on April fools day, when I put up a street sign that stirred up the area. We have a heavy police presence in the town of Morrison, which is next to Indian Hills, and they run a ton of speed traps traffic signs. The sign said, 'Indian Hills annexed by Morrison, slow down.' Many people believed that prank, and the amount of attention it brought was really surprising."

Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign

3. After he recognized the community attention, Vince decided to come up with puns and jokes a couple of times a week. He says that he tries to stay relevant or with current events. He loves making people laugh.

Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign

6. Vince set up a Facebook page where he posts his puns and jokes and each post gets thousands of reactions! Everyone absolutely loves his sense of humor.

Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign

12. Vince says its difficult coming up with material all-the-time but he does his best and we think he is killing it!

Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign

18. You can even purchase calendars featuring Vince's favorites of the year for only $17.50. Proceeds go directly to the non-profit striving to keep Indian Hills history alive as well as providing a meeting place for the residents.

Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign

24. Vince has a great sense of humor and the community agrees. They fully support his signage and look forward to each new bit of humor.

Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign

30. Before Vince's signs, only the residents of Indian Hills community center. Now people around the world know about this place and the attention is wonderful for this non-profit community center.

Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign


Someone Is Putting Out The Funniest Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing (36 Pics)
Indian Hills Community Sign

Even multiple news stations have come by to feature the jokes and puns on Indian Hills community center. Each time, Vince makes sure to make a special one just for them. The kind of energy and attitude Vince displays is infections and is putting a smile on the faces of thousands of people. Keep it up Vince, we can't wait to see what's next on the Indian Hills Community Center road sign.

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